
  • Chemical Bonding Part 2

    This video explains the 3 types of chemical bonds viz. Ionic bond, Covalent bond and Coordinate bond.

  • Chemical Bonding Part 1

    The video explains the chemical bond with examples and the reason for the bonding is justified with the rules.

  • Ideal Gas Equation

    It is derived when Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, and Avogadro’s law are combined together. And this equation solves any numericalContinue readingIdeal Gas Equation

  • Avogadro’s Law (Gas Law 3)

    Avogadro’s law relates the direct relationship between the volume of gas with the number of particles (moles).

  • Gas Equation

    Gas equation is the combination of Boyle’s law and Charles’ law.

  • Charles’ Law (Gas Law 2)

    Expresses the Relationship between Volume and Temperature (V/T=k)